
10 Simple Hacks For a Successful Garden

Plenty of research has shown that people who have small plots of land for gardening, especially those aged over 60, tend to be significantly healthier than those who do not. Growing your own garden gives you the ability to grow your own organic vegetables at a cost that is affordable for almost everyone. Many of the best gardening hacks come from those on budgets as they teach us methods to save money by reusing supplies and harnessing our creativity with what we have. Here are ten simple hacks you will love if you have a garden. 

Hack #1) 
Turn a Long Gardening Tool Into a Measuring Stick

Turn a long-handled tool into a measuring stick! Lay a long-handled garden tool on the ground, and next to it place a tape measure. Using a permanent marker, write inch and foot marks on the handle. When you need to space plants a certain distance apart (from just an inch to several feet) you'll already have a measuring device in your hand.

Hack #2) 
Rejuvenate Old Plastic Labels

Permanent marker can be erased with sand paper and you can reuse plastic labels dozens of times. Or make your own labels with rocks or roof tiles which can be placed strategically at the base of your plants.

Hack #3) 
Use Terra Cotta Pots Over Seedlings To Protect From Frost
They work fantastic to protect seedlingd in cold weather. Just don't forget to remove them in the morning to let in the light.

Hack #4) 
Use Tape To Control Aphids 
You can control them with a strong blast of water from the hose or with insecticidal soap. But here's another suggestion, one that's a lot more fun; get some tape! Wrap a wide strip of tape around your hand, sticky side out, and pat the leaves of plants infested with aphids. Concentrate on the undersides of leaves, because that's where the little buggers like to hide. 

Hack #5) 
Use BPA-Free Water Bottles To Make Water ReservoirsLook for a 1L water bottles, and make some holes in them to allow water to percolate out.

Hack #6) 
Reduce Your Water Bill By Recycling Water From Your Kitchen 
Save water from boiled veggies and once cooled use it to water pots and plants.

Hack #7) 
Soak Your Seeds In Luke Warm Water Overnight
Some seeds have a hard coating and it takes time for the coating to break down and germination to begin. Save time by presoaking seeds and getting a head start of germination.

Hack #8) 
Make Your Own Pea and Bean Planters From Cardboard TubesMake flaps on cardboard tubing and push them into the center. Fill with potting soil and seeds and store the tubes in a tray to prevent the the flaps from failing. Plant seed and tubes as one when ready.

Hack #9) 
If You Have A Small Garden Go Vertical 
There are many varieties of vegetables which will climb or trail. Take advantage of small spaces. Vertical barrel gardening may be the best option for those who want their green thumb while being tight on space. 

Hack #10)
Use Garden Planning Software
Good planning reduces the risks of losing plants by sowing at the wrong time. Spacing them incorrectly or forgetting to rotate crops can lead to soil-borne diseases from one year to the next. Garden planning can quickly assist with all the above to ensure you are managing your garden correctly. 


John Summerly is nutritionist, herbologist, and homeopathic practitioner. He is a leader in the natural health community and consults athletes, executives and most of all parents of children on the benefits of complementary therapies for health and prevention.

This first appeared in Prevent Disease