
Making Organic Cleaning Supplies is Easy

Did you know that the amount of chemicals in common household cleaning supplies have enough toxicity to promote over a dozen different cancers? If you're still using conventional cleaning supplies, you would be much healthier if you left your dwelling dirty, bacteria and all. However, if you switch to organic cleaning solutions, not only will you rid your home of dirt and grime, but you'll be giving yourself a toxic-free environment in the process.

Other Alternatives:

Mold: To kill mold use full-strength vinegar. To keep mold under control spray with diluted vinegar on a regular basis.
Musty Smells: Combine 1 tsp of tea tree oil and 1 cup of water in a spritzer bottle. Spray the area, but don't wipe it off. In a couple of days the smell should be gone and the tea tree oil will have dissipated. If not...repeat for a couple of more days.
Mildew in books: Place some cornstarch in a sprinkle container and sprinkle the cornstarch onto the pages lightly. Let it sit for a few hours and then wipe and shake clean.
Cutting Boards: To get rid of strong odors on cutting boards, wipe them with vinegar or baking soda or lemon slices or celery. This also works on countertops. For countertops only, a few drops of essential oil of lemon thyme in a cup of water and spritzed on the surface and then wiped, works well too.

This first appeared in Prevent Disease