
12 Beautiful Outdoor Plants That Are Toxic To Most Pets

Warmer weather is making its way across the Northern Hemisphere and that means pets -- and their pet owners -- will be spending more time outdoors. Animals are curious by nature and many like to sniff and nibble on everything they come across. Some plants have been reported as having systemic effects on animals and/or intense effects on the gastrointestinal tract.
When you see symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, difficult breathing, abnormal urine, salivation, weakness, and any other abnormal condition, or if you suspect your pet has come into contact with a poisonous plant, take the animal to a veterinarian immediately. The sooner the animal receives care by a specialist, the more possible that the poisonous substance will be identified and treated, to improve your pet's chances for a speedy recovery.

Here are 12 common outdoor plants you'll want to steer your furry friends away from.


Vomiting, profound depression, weakness, anorexia, and diarrhea are common; may be followed by seizures, difficulty breathing, rapid, weak pulse, dilated pupils, kidney or liver failure, coma, respiratory paralysis and death.
Vomiting, profound depression, weakness, anorexia, and diarrhea are common; may be followed by seizures, difficulty breathing, rapid, weak pulse, dilated pupils, kidney or liver failure, coma, respiratory paralysis and death.


Not only toxic to cats and dogs, this popular garden staple is also dangerous for horses, goats and sheep--and ingestion of just a few leaves can cause serious problems. Eating just a few leaves can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and drooling. If not treated by a veterinarian, an animal could fall into a coma, possibly leading to death. 


So lovely, so fragrant, so dangerous to kitties! Some types of lilies -- like the peace, Peruvian and calla lily will do nothing more than irritate the mouth, tongue and esophagus if ingested but other like members of the Lilium family are considered to be highly toxic to cats, even when very small portions are ingested. Other types of lilies, like the tiger (pictured above), day, Asiatic, Easter and Japanese show varieties can result in kidney failure in cats. Between 2 and 3 petals or leaves is enough to cause serious issues.


Is there anything better than the smell of tomato plants on your hands after you’ve picked fresh tomatoes? Not so for your dog or cat. Although tomato plants probably won’t prove lethal for your pet, they can provide a good dose of discomfort. Symptoms can include severe gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, drowsiness, CNS depression, confusion, behavioral change, weakness, dilated pupils, slow heart rate.


Most people are not going to let their pet chow down on pretty daffodils, but who knows what may happen when you turn your back. These harbingers of spring are toxic to cats and dogs; the bulbs being the most toxic part. Daffodils aren't just toxic to animals -- they can cause upset in humans, too. The flowers contain an alkaloid called lycorine, which is known to induce vomiting. Ingesting an entire bulb can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, as well as heart and respiratory issues.


Tulip bulbs are more toxic than the actual flower and its leaves. It’s the bulb of the tulip and narcissus plants that have the highest concentration of toxins. This means: if you have a dog that digs, be cautious. Or, if you are forcing bulbs indoors, make sure they they are out of reach. They can cause stomach upset, with the severity depending on how much is eaten.


This tiny flower is toxic to cats, dogs, horses and cows. While it generally doesn't cause serious issues (vomiting, drooling and stomach upset are the most common side effects) it can, it rare instances, result in paralysis.


While pretty to look at, try to keep your cats and dogs away from gladiolas. Although gladiolus are great in the garden, they are more popularly used in floral arrangements--since it is the corm (bulb) that is most toxic to dogs and cats it may not present much of a problem. If ingested, drooling, lethargy and stomach upset are possible.


The effects of morning glories can be mild to moderate for cats and dogs, depending on how much they eat. Symptoms include: Stomach upset, anemia and, in some cases, liver failure.


Cats and dogs can experience drooling, skin irritation, slowed heart rate and pupil dilation if they get too close to a poppy.


Chives are a staple in many herb gardens, and animals seem to flock to it, often mistaking it for grass. This plant, along with onion, garlic and leek, is part of the allium family and it's toxic to both cats and dogs. Akita and shibu inu dogs, along with cats, seem to be most susceptible. Abdominal pain can be an issue, along with an elevated heart rate, weakness, and an increased respiratory rate. It could take several days before symptoms are apparent.


Dogs and cats that dine on hydrangeas can experience lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea.
this first appeared on Prevent Disease
