
Fast Growing Veggies in an Emergency

There is a growing trend to home garden or be able to 'live off grid' in an emergency.  As gardeners we know the easy to grow veggies from the hard ones so here is your Emergency Garden Plan.

This tubs are large.  You can use ones
half this size
GOAL:  Plant to have food in 30 days.

Day 1.

Grab 2 dozen plastic 2 foot by 18 inch by 10 inch totes.    Drill holes in the bottom.   Fill with potting soil and plant 6 tubs with.

 green onions

Set the tubs on the lids and use the lids as drainage saucers.

Put these in a sunny window or sliding door.  They will be harvest able in 30 days.  They can be added to rice or potatoes.   The Spinach will regrow.  The ends of the onions can be replanted as can the carrots.   Just keep replanting them.  

1. Lettuce – 2. Chard –3. Kale –
4. Chinese Greens –Bok choi or sui choi
 Moderately Easy - 
5. Beets – 6. Carrots – 7. Radishes – 
Moderately Difficult
8. Beans – 9. Peas –10. Tomatoes – 
11. Squash – 12. Cucumber – 13. Lemon –
14. Strawberries – 15. Potatoes – 

Day 2

Plant the other 6 tubs  with

cherry tomatoes

These do better outside, but can "can' be grown  inside.  They will start to be ready to harvest in 35-55 days.

Day 3

Potatoes.   In 5 large  milk crates line with landscape cloth (or newspaper to keep the dirt in) and fill 1/4 way with dirt.  Plant Potato eyes.   As the green tops get to be 4 -5 inches cover all but the top 1 inch with dirt... repeat.   These also do better outside but can be grown inside.

Potatoes can be harvested in 10 weeks.
Store the potatoes and beans after harvest.
Repeat the planting.

Day 15

Plant the remaining 12 tubs just like the first 12


1) DO plant a regular garden  when the weather is right....  Use the technique above year round in an emergency to make sure you have something 'green' and fresh in 30 days and for the following months.

2)  If you don't have sunny windows... use a south facing patio and make sure you have  6 MM opaque film you can tack between your roof edge and the ground 7  feet away.  You will need a  4 X12 foot area.
This is a fancy lean to.  Plastic tacked to the drip edge and
stretched down works too

3) One large bag of potting soil will fill 3 small tubs or two buckets.  You can buy 8 bags for 9.00 a bag.

You can get fancy and add starter beds with glass tops
 using tubs with old windows laid on top

Material list to store

A box with 6mm opaque plastic 20 feet by 50 feet.   (this will give you two years worth.. cut it in half at 25 feet.

4 2X 10s
Staple gun
A few nails
Step stool
25 bins or buckets
9 bags of topsoil
a 1/2 dozen milk crates (for potatoes)
Heirloom seed packets for the veggie list above. Use Heirloom Seeds because you can collect the seeds and replant.  Hybrid or GMO seeds won't work beyond the initial seeds in the package.

You can stack and store the list above in a corner of your garage and the bags of soil outside out of the way.  Put the seeds in a shoe box in a dark cool closet.   Cost?  under 200.

How to make the leanto greenhouse

On the south side of the house...Cut your 50 foot plastic wrap into two 25 foot pieces.  Take one piece and wrap the 20 foot side of the 6 mill plastic around the (2)  2 X 4s (staple) and nail to your roof eve.... then  wrap (2) d two by for in the other side (staple) .  and set it away from the house.   Done.  plant your buckets.

Hint About Water

Do set set up a rain catchment system or have a pool.  Times each square foot by .65 and that is how many gallons a week you will need.   So a 144 square foot garden (12 bins or buckets) needs 93 gallons a week.