Jimmy Nardellos at the local Farmer's Market
This past month we've been really enjoying the skinny mild red peppers called Jimmy Nardellos that have been showing up at our local farmer's market.
Slim Red and Mild |
They are perfect for the summer BBQ season. We just coat them in a little olive oil, sea salt and ground black pepper ... and onto the grill they go!
Long, slender and succulent. Just off the BBQ! |
And More Peppers...
Shishito Peppers |
This week we picked up some Shishito peppers from this lovely new farmer at the Tahoe City market:
New to Our Local Market |
Her display was very charming and included a take-home recipe.
This is the recipe she provided:
Shishito Peppers with Miso Vinaigrette
- 1 pound shishito peppers
- sea salt
- 1 T rice vinegar
- 1 T miso paste
- 1 t sesame seeds
- 3 T cooking oil (canola)
Grill the shishito peppers on a BBQ grill on medium heat until softened with just a few grill marks. You don't want to blacken them. Alternatively, you can toss them in a bit of oil and roast them in 400 degree oven for 15 minutes. Sprinkle with sea salt after roasting.
In a bowl, whisk together the remaining ingredients. Taste and adjust seasoning. Drizzle over the grilled or roasted shishito peppers. Eat whole--stem, seeds and all!!
Shishitos and Jimmy Nardello's on the Grill |
Although the recipe looked great, I didn't have miso paste on hand so we simply tossed ours on the BBQ with some Jimmy Nardellos. Again, these were delicious in simple olive oil, sea salt and pepper.
And you know what...we did eat them whole. Stems, seeds and all!

Follow Gourmet Chief and Master Gardner Sue Pipal. She writes at Eat Thrive Heal